Aivlys Solutions has been shipping different commodities all over the world from China to Africa. AIVLYS has a vast experience of shipping a wide range of products from pharmaceutical raw materials (from Nigeria to Canada) and transportation equipment (from the USA to Namibia).
In partnership with International Transit Businesses, we have previously:
We are now in the process of shipping solar to Nigeria Africa from Los Angeles California Ports in middle of 2024.
Aivlys Solutions has been shipping different commodities all over the world from China to Africa. AIVLYS has a vast experience of shipping a wide range of products from pharmaceutical raw materials (from Nigeria to Canada) and transportation equipment (from the USA to Namibia).
In partnership with International Transit Businesses, we have previously:
We are now in the process of shipping solar to Nigeria Africa from Los Angeles California Ports in middle of 2024.
Through our subsidiary business – AIVLYS SOLUTIONS LTD- (Zambia), we are involved in:
Mining Equipment to be delivered to Zambia and DRC(have 2 mines in DRC and in process of Zimbabwe mine acquisition).
Farming equipment to be delivered to Zambia and Nigeria
Fish farming (Aqua Ponics land allocated in Aviara Nigeria existing farm to be reconstructed.
We provide services to various individuals, industries, the public and the world at large to meet the ever-rising demand of quality goods by customers all the time.
Aivlys Solutions owns 2 mines in DRC and will be gold trading after the war is done in the region of the mines. Aivlys will also be looking into mine acquisition in Zimbabwe in the near future. With the experience we have in the field of (commodities, metals, semi-precious and precious stones) supply, we guarantee a good business relationship with you with the best prices and timely deliveries that will meet your demands.
AIVLYS SOLUTIONS USA, INC. provides stabilization of roads before they are constructed thus providinglong-lasting, and durable road constructions. Out of 55 countries in Africa, 16 are landlocked (land-linked). Roads and their longevity have a central role in the connectivity and economy of the entire continent. Innovation in road construction offers important industry and community benefits. With rising globalization, roads have become a very vital infrastructure in enabling the transfer of freight as well as people, making them better and sustainable development of roads very important.
Together with our financing and technical partner(s), we are ready and able to invest to provide sustainable renewable energy solution(s) to address the current and future energy needs of any African country. Our special expertise is in Solar Energy.
Our preferred business model is financing under a public-private partnership to build, OWN, operate, and transfer (B.O.O.T) solar farm(s). Such projects will provide jobs and technology transfer capabilities for African countries and associated agencies.
Public-private partnership
Our Public-Private Partnership arrangements provide a greater return on investment (ROI); risks are fully appraised early on to determine project feasibility. The operational and project executions are transferred from the government to the private participant, which usually has more experience in cost containment. High-quality standards are better obtained and maintained throughout the life cycle of the project.
With the experience we have in the field of creative financing, we guarantee a good business relationship with you and our commitment to the best practices in the industry. We hold dearly the values of commitment to hard work, real competence, and creativity, continuous improvement in what we do. We pride in professionalism and integrity in all our conduct and total customer satisfaction. It is the company’s moral obligation to conduct its business transactions in the most transparent and open manner. We embrace a work culture that creates lifetime trust and confidence in the business (Company – Client relationship).